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Task 1 - Chatbots: Friend or Foe?


Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Chatbots have rocked the world in the last 12 months as it has created many fears and questions for the future such as: Is this the beginning of something that will change education forever? How will it affect students' learning? Will it hinder original thinking/creativity in the classroom? These questions have left schools and Universities around the globe putting precautions in place to ensure that Chatbots are used safely by their students and that they don’t let them generate their work for them. As a future teacher, it is important that I am aware of emerging technologies such as ChatGPT and other chatbots as these are just the beginning - they're certainly just going to evolve more from here. For starters, on the discussion on Chatbots limiting creativity in the classroom, I thought I would go straight to the source. I asked ChatGPT “In 50 words or less, do chatbots foster or hinder creativity in the classroom?” ChatGPT responded with

“There is no clear consensus on whether chatbots foster or hinder creativity in the classroom. While chatbots can provide unique prompts and encourage collaboration, there is a risk of over-reliance and reduced motivation for active learning. It ultimately depends on how chatbots are implemented and integrated into the learning experience.”

Scholars also tend to agree with this statement. For example, Pérez et al, 2020, states that while chatbots in the classroom tend to help improve results, there is also less of a relationship like what students have with a teacher, and long monologues from a chatbot tend to be tedious and less engaging. It is important the correct parameters are put in place around chatbots. They are better used as an accessory in the classroom rather than just doing the work for students. For example, chatbots are great for brainstorming ideas and prompts to then elaborate on with original thinking and unique ideas to foster a creative environment in the classroom.


There are a few issues that can come along with chatbots in the classroom. The main one is that similar to students, chatbots are learners. They learn based on data input by users. This means they can get things wrong, so not everything said by a chatbot should be taken as 100% accurate. Also, chatbots can be prone to bias based on this same training data, so it is important to use varying sources.

A quick video that shows the power of what ChatGPT is capable of!


Lin, P. (2019). Conversational Chatbots: Review, Challenges, and Future Directions. 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI).

Pérez, J. Q., Daradoumis, T., & Puig, J. M. (2020). Rediscovering the use of Chatbots in Education: A systematic literature review. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(6), 1549–1565.

Smutny, P., & Schreiberova, P. (2020). Chatbots for Learning: A Review of Educational Chatbots for the facebook messenger. Computers & Education, 151, 103862.



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Souraya Fadda
Souraya Fadda
Mar 09, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hi Euan!

I really enjoyed reading your critique on chatbots and seeing your perspective. I really agree that "they are better used as an accessory in the classroom rather than just doing the work for students". I think teachers should actually encourage the use of chatbots such as chatGPT however under supervision. Encouraging the use of it in class will help students formulate ideas in which they can then transfer and adopt to create their own and in effect; foster their creativity whether it be while writing, drawing or creating something physical. I also think supervision is vital when it comes to chatbots to help avoid students reliance on it to generate ideas for them and use them as their…


Mar 09, 2023
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

Hi Euan,your selection of emerging tech-tool is very recent, which is good. Thanks for the short introduction to chatGPT. Your point of view objectively shows the pros and cons of chatGPT. very impressive.



Mar 08, 2023

Very insightful article!! Learnt a lot about some pros and cons of chatbots. Very interesting and nice to read blog! Thank you

-William Lee

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