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Topic 3 - Design Thinking


Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves understanding the problem, observing the problem, defining the problem and target audience, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. It is a method that everyone can use to address complex issues and create innovative solutions. (Muller-Roterberg, 2021)

Image from Muller-Roterberg, Christian (2021). Design thinking for dummies.

Some pedagogical issues that arise from design thinking are;

Some see design thinking as a simple process but in reality, it can be complex and hard to develop an effective solution there needs to be room for uncertainty, Empathy is a critical component of the process of design thinking but it can be hard to teach or practice, it is also subjective some students may not emphasise with issues as much as they should, finally, design thinking can be biased towards certain perspectives, this can limit the range of solutions to a particular problem as it is a process that is supposed to be followed this limits the number of solutions that are possible.

In our tutorial, we were introduced to design thinking through the use of 6 blocks which had worded puzzles. In small groups, we were tasked with solving these puzzles. We had to come to a unanimous decision and the first two groups to get the answer were rewarded points thus creating a sense of urgency and competition. Using these 6 blocks and the puzzles we were opened up to the design thinking process through collaboration with peers and generating our own solutions.

Here is a photo of the 6 blocks.

In conclusion, design thinking is a great way to foster creativity in the classroom as long as the pedagogical issues established above are avoided. It creates an easy-to-follow process that not only allows students to come up with their own innovative solutions but also hones n their problem-defining skills and their teamwork skills.

In class, we were tasked with designing a water irrigation system using 3D Sketchup after being given a brief tutorial on how to use the application. It had to use soil sensors to detect when water was necessary. Whilst this was challenging it was a good way of incorporating design thinking to find an innovative solution. As a future primary school teacher this would be a bit complicated for primary school students and I would further need to hone my skills to confidently be able to use the application to lead a lesson.


Muller-Roternerg, Christian (2021). Design thinking for dummies. HOEPLI.



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Apr 12, 2023

Hi Euan,

I enjoyed reading the discussion on the limitations of design thinking. I would like to add my thought and say that although the process can be challenging, I think if the appropriate strategies were to be implemented in the classroom for example, having students work in mixed-ability groups rather than individuals could potentially make the process less challenging and help challenge students thinking skills.

I would have liked to see further inclusion and discussion of contemporary technologies that could be used in conjunction to design thinking and more discussion about how creativity can be fostered.




Apr 03, 2023

Hey Euan,

I liked your analysis of design thinking in classrooms, but I feel that there was too much of a focus on the critical analysis as opposed to the creative applications. I would have liked to see how you could integrate design thinking into a classroom, possibly referring to one of the other technologies discussed in other weeks.

Your analysis of the limitations / challenges / misconceptions of design was executed well and the points made were well presented.

Tyler England (3/4/23)

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